2018 has been an amazing year. I’ve experienced some wonderful highs as well as some challenges, but if I had to sum up the 365 days of this year in one word, it would be GRATITUDE.
Read on to find out how you can turn this gratitude into a substantial gift from us to your favorite nonprofit organization.
Looking back, I am grateful for my amazing clients, Brand School students, and the ability to work on branding challenges that have really stretched my thinking and made an impact.
I am also grateful for my rescue beagle, Teddy. He’s been with us for over two years now, but I am still learning a lot from him—mostly about patience, the importance of cuddle time, and the need to step away from the computer and go for a walk.
There have also been some challenges: staying positive and hopeful in this toxic political and news environment, and the pressures of being smack dab in the middle of the sandwich generation—caring for an elderly parent while also helping my teenagers navigate toward what’s next.
Most of all, 2018 has left me with a stronger sense of purpose and compassion, so I’ve decided to try something new this year: In lieu of corporate holiday gifts, BrandTWIST will give away 10 donations of $100 dollars to charities and causes that are important to our TWISTING community.
If you have a 501(c)(3)* you are passionate about, be one of the first 10 people to email me back with the details and BrandTWIST will make a donation on your behalf. We must receive your reply by December 26th to qualify. Feel free to email me with any questions. We will also spread the word of your cause on social media, so it will be the gift that keeps on giving.
Thank you and warmest wishes to you and yours for a new year filled with health, happiness, and inspirational TWISTS.
*BrandTWIST reserves the right to decline any requests for donations that we consider objectionable or in conflict with our corporate values. All recipients must be registered as a 501(c)(3) in the United States.