
“Problems can not be solved

 within the framework

in which they were created.”

– Albert Einstein

Do you agree with this quote? What’s your twist?

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Julie is the Founder and CEO of BrandTwist, a brand consultancy that helps entrepreneurs and corporations build stronger, more profitable brands.


  1. A great question from the innovation maven! I believe problems can be solved anytime decision makers put finding a resolution ahead of personal wants or hopes (i.e., utopia). Since it’s human nature, or human programming, to want things to turn out our way, I agree with Einstein that we need to shift perspectives in small or big ways to see opportunities, not just for solutions but for new and better ones.

  2. Julie: I’ve typically seen a different version of the quote: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

    I agree with the version I’ve seen but not with the version you quoted. I don’t believe the framework must change. The framework is about the fundamentals. While it can certainly help to change those, I do not believe they must be changed.

  3. I disagree. Sometimes solutions can be found exactly within the framework of the problem. It just takes a fresh, simplified perspective to uncover the answer that was there all along.

    Also, in certain cases (sustainable development comes to mind), the framework/environment fuels the motivation and inspiration to find the solution.

    Sorry, Einstein.

  4. Great debate guys. I’m a twist and tango sort of gal myself. So I definitely believe that lateral thinking and stepping outside of the category is and invaluable for finding new solutions to sticky problems.

    But I see the validity in both sides. Thanks for the comments.

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