
Crazy? Genius?

Actually Cunning. As in Cunning, a creative agency with offices in New York and London.

They decided to bring their mission of “driving engagement” to life but creating a corporate logo for their firm that is meant to be changed and played with.

At it’s most basic level it’s a box with a black dotted line border.

But on their website they declare themselves “solutions neutral” and prove this by embracing multiple design solutions for their logo.

These range from the word C-U-N-N-I-N-G spelled out in typewriter keys, dominoes, and letter shaped laundry.

There’s even an ID section on the site that invites “family, friends, clients” to upload their own Cunning logos.

Check it out.

Madness? Brilliance?

I think it’s rather clever…I mean Cunning.

That’s my point of view. What’s your twist?
Would you ever open up your brand like this?

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Julie is the Founder and CEO of BrandTwist, a brand consultancy that helps entrepreneurs and corporations build stronger, more profitable brands.


  1. Thanks for the post Julie!

    What I personally enjoy about our “crowd sourced” logo is it constantly surprises me. Often design students wanting internships or interviews for jobs spend a great deal of time and effort crafting their logos, which I find quite humbling!

    When we developed this idea, the term “crowd sourcing” had yet to be coined, unfortunately, it can be a by-word for exploitation.

    So, in return for people’s efforts, we always try and help young creatives as best we can. We offer live briefs to work on, help them with dissertations, go to colleges around the world to talk about our 11 years of experience in non-traditional marketing and generally try and give as much as we take.

    It seems to work well for all concerned.

    Thanks again Julie.


  2. Thanks for sharing Floyd. Wow, sounds like you guys are putting a lot of effort into creating a truly collaborative environment and a great brand culture. I’m sure that pays off in attracting great talent and clients.


  3. This is a very innovative idea to create brand awareness through user-generated logos thereby involving and engaging customers or visitors. We may definitely give it a thought.

  4. What I LOVE about this photo set is that its so fun to see how so many different people think to make the logo. I also think that most of the logos do actually fit within a certain sort of playful aesthetic, which just goes to show that setting up a conceptual framework (in lieu of an aesthetic one) can be a quite dramatic organizing principle.

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