
My momma always said, “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

-Tom Hanks in the movie Forrest Gump

I love this quote.

And the older I get the more I find it to be true.

At a certain point you need to learn to stop trying to control everything and just enjoy the bumpy, twisty ride.

What words do you live by?

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Julie is the Founder and CEO of BrandTwist, a brand consultancy that helps entrepreneurs and corporations build stronger, more profitable brands.


  1. My motto is: “it could always be worse…” And while that sounds a bit grim, it really is just the opposite. We all get upset at the drop of a hat, or succumb to the “woe is me” attitude when things run afoul of our “grand plan”…

    Next time, try to take a moment, step back, re-evaluate, and, as bad as things might seem –> in so many different outcomes, it could have been far worse.

    It’s my version of the glass being half-full.

    • @Gregg I totally agree. My version of this is when I am really nervous about something I play it out in my mind by asking “what’s the worth thing that could happen?”

      Often I realize that what I am stressing aboutout is in fact pretty inconsiquential in scheme of things and it will usually work itself out in the end.

      Thanks for sharing.

  2. There are different versions of this sentiment, yea, even from Miley Cyrus: It ain’t the destination. It’s the journey there.

    If I got a tattoo of words instead of images, I would write “Attitude.”

    But often I just think the best words to live by are “Don’t be a dick.” There. I said it.

  3. Something my father told me many years ago that i think is important to remember in these times is that we should concern ourselves less with what people might think of our reputation and more of what they think of our character!

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