Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Brian F. Martin, host of Brand Connections Brand Fast-Trackers.
We talked about what makes a successful brand and many of the core tenets I learned from my 22+ years in branding, particularly my time working as VP of Brand for Virgin.
A few highlights that I expand on in the podcast:
- A clear core promise is essential
- Your brand is the product/experience you’re offering and must deliver on its promise
- You need to embrace and learn from failure
- Know your brand framework and stay true to who you are
We also talked about what it takes to leave your job and make the big leap from being an employee to being an entrepreneur. You may be surprised by what I said. Most people think they need to hide their aspirations of starting their own company from their boss until they are ready to hand in their resignation. My experience at Virgin was the exact opposite. I made my intentions clear months before I left Virgin and was able to walk out the door with my boss’ blessing and Virgin as one of my first clients for my new company BrandTwist.
You can read Kat Krieger’s summary of the interview and listen to or download the podcast at the Brand Connections website HERE.