Most of us are creatures are habit. We’ve got a systematic way we go about our day: wake up, brew coffee, go to the office, meet with clients, work, strategize, home, dinner, TV bed. Repeat. Maybe we shake things up once in a while with a work out, dinner with friends, a movie or a show. But mostly we’re on auto-pilot always stopping at the same coffee shop, the same take out place even taking the same exact route to work each day. This kind of familiarity can be comforting – but it can also be the enemy of creativity.
Whether you’re happy with the work you do, or searching for a new creative outlet, it’s time to put some serious thought into your every day routine. I’m not telling you to move to a new apartment or completely overhaul the way you work. But shaking things up can give you big-time business breakthroughs. Seek out new environments. Even if it only means changing the layout of your office – moving your desk to another corner of the room, face the window instead of the door or vice versa. For even better results -get out of your office all together and spend a few hours every week working somewhere new. A coffee shop, shared worked space, even your local library. When you are in this new environment take time to observe your surroundings: what interests and inspires you? What’s the lighting like, how does it feel to sit in a different chair, to look out a window at a different view? Routines can be ruts, don’t get stuck.
The Purple Crayon Center in Westchester, NY is just the kind of inspiring location I am talking about. It’s an old church transformed into a center for learning and social innovation. Part shared work space and part event meeting space -it’s got beautiful vaulted ceilings, hard wood floors and amazing architectural details that will inspire you. And it’s a quick train ride from NYC along with Hudson River – and in walking distance from the train station. I love it so much that from time-to-tme I hold workshops on branding there and participate in their business community outreach programs as well. Keep a watch on their schedule, or sign up for the BrandTwist list for updates on all of our future events. I can promise you will love the results and takeaways you’ll get.