They say being a parent is the toughest job of all. This Father’s Day, we’re checking out some inspiring dads who TWIST parenting and being an entrepreneur, and how fatherhood has encouraged their entrepreneurial pursuits.

Developed by father-son team Kris and Nicky Bronner, Unreal Candy provides a snack both parents and kids can agree on. The idea of candy with significantly less sugar and artificial ingredients came to Nicky after most of his Halloween haul was confiscated. Nicky wanted to keep his candy. Kris didn’t want his son to eat so much junk. After finding out about all of the harmful additives in traditional candies, Nicky became determined to find a solution– delicious candies, unjunked. Kris was able to help his son’s dreams become a reality, and the two have been working together since 2010 to create healthier snacks. Everyone can get what they want: Nicky’s sweet tooth can be satisfied and dad Kris, on behalf of parents everywhere, doesn’t have to wince at the thought of all the nasty chemicals and sugars kids consume.

Jake Starr was on the search for a part-time, work-from-home gig so he could be hands-on while raising his newborn son. With only ten days of firefighter duty per month and several hours of sewing experience under his belt, Jake was able to spend more time recycling scrap materials from the firehouse and turning them into impressive hammocks, iPad sleeves, and wallets. His impressive balance between fatherhood and following his vision is inspirational when it’s often easier to choose one over the other. The ability to stay home and parent while developing Recycled Firefighter is a true testament to the strength of dads– they can do it all!

Parenthood directly inspired Jon Sumroy to create Mifold. Regardless of who was driving his kids around, Jon wanted a strong booster seat that would be able to keep them safe between carpooling parents and their varying vehicles. Without children, the idea of a portable booster seat would never have crossed his mind. But Jon’s invention spoke to thousands of parents and has since become a staple of households (well, cars) around the world.

If you’re a dad with an idea or you want to support a dad with getting his idea off the ground, how about a Brand Booster? This strategy session will give him the boost he needs to take his current business or idea and bring it to the next level. Book a Brand Booster using code DADTWIST for 15% off, and we’ll throw in a copy of our best-selling Brand Book: TWIST: How Fresh Perspectives Build Breakthrough Brands.
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads and DadPreneurs out there!