
I love this sign.

It’s in a strip mall right near where I go to Jenny Craig.

I believe brands should diversify.

But this one just seems confused.

Right when they’ve got my mouth watering for some delicious (and convenient) ribs….

Suddenly they turn around and insist they’ve got more.

Is this a case of brand stretch or brand schizophrenia?

That’s my point of view. What’s your twist?

Would this sign draw you in?

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Julie is the Founder and CEO of BrandTwist, a brand consultancy that helps entrepreneurs and corporations build stronger, more profitable brands.


  1. I see it as classic brand schizophrenia. On a much larger platform, it reminds me when AT&T Wireless went from Shepherds herding sheep, to mLife, back to dusting off the iconic Reach Out campaign (all within 2.5 years). Big blue needed a Stelazine and Flupenthixol cocktail for sure.

  2. I think it’s a case of both, but only because EVERYONE is doing it today: look at Kentucky “Grilled” Chicken. Look at Burger King with their “Specialty” Chicken Sandwiches. Look at Dunkin Donuts entering the Panini & Sandwich Market.

    And while the sign is humorous for its waffle-like quality (hmmm, maybe they should have had a sign for Waffles!!), I would ONLY head in there if interested in Ribs. I would NOT head in there if looking for something from their “Ain’t” Menu!

    FYI, the Ribs on the Run in Yonkers is EXCELLENT!


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