A few weeks ago I wrote a post called Research Polling Finally Enters the World of 2.0.
It’s about a cool little widget called Urtak.
I’ve installed one of these on my blog (see side bar just under upcoming appearances).
So far the results have been fascinating.
I’ve received over 1,000 responses.
Some interesting tidbits about the BrandTwist readers:
– 30% of your Moms are on Face Book
– 67% of you have fired a gun
– 90% describe yourselves as happy
– 74% spend more than 2 hours a day goofing off online
– 71% would like to work for Don Draper
– 100% say you like this Urtak widget
I’ve just added about 40 new questions.
A sneak peek:
– Have you ever had sex in your office?
– Do you cry at Hallmark commercials?
– Do British people sound smarter because of their accents?
– Would you sleep with David Letterman?
– Have you secretly stolen a stapler from a colleague’s desk?
The more responses we can get, the more fun it will be do to the cross tabs.
For example, are the gun toters out there also the one’s robbing unsuspecting desks?
Give it a try and answer some questions.
It’s fun, fast and easy.
I really think it’s addictive.
And don’t forget you can ask your own questions on the BrandTwist Urtak.
It’s really simple to do, just log-in and follow instructions.
There is an Urtak for everyone including one on: chocolate, squash, the NBA, beauty, and the ever popular “Are they gay?”.
You can check them all out by going to the Urtak website.
It’s really redefined how I think of research.
That’s my point of view. What’s your twist?
What are you dying to know?
Like whoa, Julie! You really get it.
Great post.
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