Brands are relationships. And like romantic relationships, they are only healthy when you are in one with someone who really values what you have to offer.
That’s why every semester in Brand School we focus on answering 4 major questions with our students- and these 4 questions begin with the most critical question – “WHO do you want to be in a relationship with?”
Who – are the most important targets for the brand?
What – is going to compel them to choose and stay loyal?
Why – should these high-priority targets believe?
How – is the brand felt at every touch point?
In the lingo of today’s teens – a group for whom relationships are everything… who is your B.A.E? Your ideal target that you want and need to attract “Before Anyone Else”.
Brand School Alumni Brooke Nalle shares how zeroing on her BAE was the key to finding her Twist and growing her business.
Brooke Nalle of Sleepy on Hudson had a big breakthrough when she realized her TWIST wasn’t about helping babies sleep, it was about helping parents sleep. During the course of our conversation, we talked about a brand lesson that surprised her and she shared something really important for all of us to remember, “That my business, my brand, is about the woman who finds me, hires me. She is not just a mother; she is a professional, a wife, a friend.”
The impact for Brooke’s business really came as she dove into the Target Audience exercise in brand school and looked at her target audience not as a woman with a child, but at all the things that woman is. That clarity allowed her to implement big changes and see fun results.
Women 25-54 is not a target.
When you’re targeting women 25-54, you’re looking too broadly. You are not really diving into what makes them tick and what keeps them up at night. This makes it hard to really connect your brand values and promise with what they need. That’s why we create Bull’s Eye Target Personas and really dive into your target- so we can create marketing that goes directly to their hearts (not just their heads) and turns them into loyal brand ambassadors.
Let’s look at an example, Apple. I think we can all agree that people ages 3 to 83 use and love Apple products, but Apple built a strong brand by focusing on the 20-30 year old digital native -someone who is tuned in and comfortable with technology. By designing a brand experience to a narrower target, someone we all aspire to be, Apple has created an iconic brand that never discounts and is always in high demand and that attracts a broad range of loyal followers. They would not have made the same impact if they targeted “3-83”.
The foundation of your brand is your Target Audience, join our Brand School experts for a 30-minute call to focus in on your target audience. During this call, you’ll walk away with actionable next steps and clarity around how to answer the critical question of “Who is your brand’s B.A.E?”. Book your call now.