
Game-playing is here to stay, ask any millennial. Games are engaging and can help get your brand message across while entertaining your target.  Gabe Zichermann, author The Gamification Revolution writes in his blog about his experience at a doctor’s visit where he was asked to take a lung capacity breath test. This test, which requires some effort and used to be rather boring, is now conducted using a video game interface that energizes an otherwise tedious experience. It’s as if the American Lung Association was TWISTING with XBox.


Games make your service or product accessible, inviting and friendly – and they don’t need to be complicated or technically intricate. There are app-building courses and programs like MIT App Inventor that can help you create a simple game.

How can your small business or non-profit use gamification to energize your brand and engage your customers?

Brand School Master Class inspires your creative thinking to implement TWISTS like these that can make it easier for customers to enjoy experiencing your business or product and spread the word about your brand. Enrolling now – see if your brand qualifies HERE.

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“I got so much out of Brand School. My business has grown leaps and bounds, and I feel like I have much more solid branding and language around what I do. So, thank you!!” – Nathalie Lussier,

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Julie is the Founder and CEO of BrandTwist, a brand consultancy that helps entrepreneurs and corporations build stronger, more profitable brands.


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