Think medical devices need to be staid and serious? Think again. MOCAheart, a personal health tracker, takes the heart health awareness credo of the American Heart Association and TWISTS it with the user-friendly design of Apple. Its cutting edge, elegant design makes health monitoring a breeze.
MOCHAHeart is created by MOCACARE, with a goal of making health tracking as effortless as possible. Like Apple, the hardware and software are designed and engineered side-by-side to deliver a functional and streamlined user experience.
Winner of the IF Design Award 2015, MOCACARE TWISTED human-centered design principles and the latest heart health technology to fill a need for a simpler and more intuitive way to take better care of our health. And their social function lets you check in on the health of those you love. Even their website is clean, fresh, and super-easy to use.
What brands inspire you? Take some of that inspiration and consider how you might bring those principles to your user experience. Examine how you could simplify your website, purchasing process, or packaging. A simple design change can make a big difference to your customer.
Brand School gives you the tools to innovate and deliver more of what your ideal customers really crave. See what Brand School’s team of experts can do for you and see if you qualify for a one-on-one Brand Health Check Strategy Session HERE.
“I am a proud graduate of Brand School! I thought I knew about branding before but this course took it to another level. I loved it!” – McKenna Ripley, Graphic Designer