Taking it to the Streets

I love New York.A few days ago I was walking in Soho down Broadway during lunch. The streets were packed with shoppers, and tourists...

Becoming Digitally Fluent

I’m on a journey…to digital fluency.It’s a long and bumpy road, but I’m glad I’m on it.Everyday I encounter new obstacles and things I...

Disruptive by Design

Monday I went to a Wired Magazine conference called “Disruptive by Design”. (Twitter#WiredLive).It had great speakers like Jeff Immelt (GE), Elon Musk (Telsa Motors/SpaceX),...

Feeling Butterflies?

When is the last time you felt butterflies in your stomach?If you can't remember, maybe it's been too long since you ventured out of...

Three’s a Crowd?

We all know three's a crowd, but can crowds be the new answer to innovation?Yesterday I published a post on the right timing for...

Eat with your Left Hand

Last night I was taking a late train home from the city, reading the May issue of Women's Health Magazine to unwind. I had...

Bananas and Ketchup

Sounds bizarre right?Well, I have a friend who swears by this combo. The trick (if you’re interested) is to dip the banana into a...