5 Ways a Strong Brand Can Ignite your Small Business

Over the 5 years I worked for Virgin in the U.S. development office, I met some amazing entrepreneurs and small business owners. These folks, I’m...

Want to Get Promoted? Try to Get Fired

Stuck in an innovation rut? Here’s a technique that will help get those creative juices flowing again. Give yourself this task: “What idea could I come up...

Use Your Brand to Say “No”

What are the most difficult words to say? For some of you it might be the anxiety-producing 3 words "I Love You"... But for most...

Branding Lessons from the Royal Wedding

Depending on your penchant for romance and spectacle, Friday's "wedding of the century" may have moved you or bored you... to tears. But regardless of whether...

Taxi Cab Confessions

Remember the old days before mobile phones, smart phones and  iPads when while riding in a taxi basically meant you had two choices: 1)...