What Would Make Women Happier?

Real Simple Magazine recently did a survey among 2,600 women and men about what would make them happier. Here are the top results for the women....


"Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This...

Do You Get Your Best Ideas in the Shower?

A while back a wrote a post Lather, Rinse, Repeat about how I often get my best ideas in the shower (I think it's something...


What are you doing to fight the January blahs?

The Sweet Escape of Reality

I am addicted to reality TV. Well not all of it. In my case, the main source of my affliction (and my enjoyment) is NBC’s...

Word Play

If you like words and word play, you are going to want to check this out. It's the "Washington Post's Mensa Invitational". The contest asks...

Rap Your Way to a Better Vocabulary

Actually to all sorts of better learning. That's the premise behind these guys who started Flocabulary. They use hip-hop to improve scores in vocabulary, reading, writing,...

Happy Holidays!

Taking a little break. Be back soon. Wishing everyone peace, joy, happiness and lots of inspiration for 2010! Best, Julie

The Beauty of Imperfection

I think that many of us operate under the false illusion that we can control everything. OK, by “many of us” I mean me…and maybe...

Elf on the Shelf

Have you heard about this newest Christmas sensation and budding tradition?  It's called Elf on the Shelf. I think it's been around a few years, it...