Death by Chocolate

My name is Julie and I am a Chocaholic. Not to belitte anyone else's addiction, but this is a serious problem for me. And it's become...

Are You a Hybrid Mom?

What is a Hybrid Mom? Hybrid Mom is a magazine I learned about at last week's Women's Conference. How do you know if this magazine is...

5 Healthy Habits of Highly Successful Solopreneurs

Many entrepreneurs and business owners encounter a unique challenge: how to re-charge physically and emotionally and still have energy left for business. This guest post,...

Smarter Spending and the Joy of Less

I'm a marketer so of course I want people to buy things. Like (Virgin) mobile phones and domestic and trans-Atlantic flights for example. But as we...

Branding: An Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon, smallbizdaily

Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed about entrepreneurship and business branding by author, columnist and online talk show host Jane Applegate for her column...

Engage in the Conversation

This post is part of our series, "Thirteen Tips For Stronger Branding." See the rest of the series HERE. en·gage  v. en·gaged, en·gag·ing, en·gag·es 1. To involve oneself or become occupied;...

Making Working from Home, Work

Snow is blanketing much of the North East and schools are closed and businesses are urging many people not to commute. So maybe you,...

Entrepreneur Conversations

We love it when we find enriching resources for entrepreneurs and business owners, and we love sharing them with you. If you have not...

The Ying and Yang of Powerful Brand Stories – Free Webinar...

Finding the balance between your business' visual and verbal communication is essential to presenting a solid brand identity and building consumer comfort and loyalty....

Slow Down to Speed Up

I was lucky enough have spent most of last week at Canyon Ranch in Lenox Mass. What an amazing place. The term "spa" doesn't do...