The Sweet Escape of Reality

I am addicted to reality TV. Well not all of it. In my case, the main source of my affliction (and my enjoyment) is NBC’s...

4 Unconventional Ways to Build Buzz Around Your Brand

With everyone sharing, tweeting and updating as much as they can, how can your business stand out? How can you draw your customer in...

Three’s a Crowd?

We all know three's a crowd, but can crowds be the new answer to innovation?Yesterday I published a post on the right timing for...

Engage Your Target With a Gaming Twist

Game-playing is here to stay, ask any millennial. Games are engaging and can help get your brand message across while entertaining your target.  Gabe...

‘Word of Eye’ Is Key to Success in Branding Today

Forbes columnist Allen Adamson recently came to BrandTwist founder Julie Cottineau for her input regarding the latest digital technology trends and their impact on...

You Don’t Need a Social Media Strategy

I am speaking this morning at the IABC Social Media Conference. The topic of my presentation is “Leveraging Social Media to Build Brand”. Here’s my overall...

Pokemon GO: Gaming With a TWIST

Next time you see a group of teenagers glued to their phones in public, do not assume they are on Instagram or Snapchat. Rather,...

Avoid Making the Top 5 Branding Mistakes – #BrandingHangout Replay

Recently BrandTwist Founder & CEO Julie Cottineau joined Terry Byford, Director, Corporate Counsel at Getty Images and iStock's Sarah Lochting in a live, Google Branding...

Social Media and The Red Balloon Challenge

Have you seen this? It's so cool. DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) tapped into social networking for it's latest challenge. The contest awards $40,000...

Engage in the Conversation

This post is part of our series, "Thirteen Tips For Stronger Branding." See the rest of the series HERE. en·gage  v. en·gaged, en·gag·ing, en·gag·es 1. To involve oneself or become occupied;...